I know I've created like 2 new blogs at the beginning of the year already; of which 1 is our personal usage. well the other just can't seem to be launched- haha not exactly its just that I'm really noob at livejournal.
I've been so outta touch of a public blog and i thought hey why not just pick it up all over again, besides I'm pretty free now. Oki excluding the occasional calls from the office for helps...mmm
Anyway you ask what happened to my previous antique blog--fairycastle.blogspot.com? well i had thoughts of closing it, but later on I've decided just leave it alone, I've got all my memories down in there. From the bad English ah-lian like posts to happy time and sad times of my life, it'll be fun reading it 5-10years down, laughing at myself.--if it'd still be there??
Pretty fast Alex and i would reach 5 months together, time seemed to have speed up when we're together; reason why in facebook i wrote "its you and me moving in the speed of light into eternity-chris brown" ha ha. Its a good thing right babey?
Well good thing or not i just know we're doing fine, we have our very own Love Rollercostal rides along the way, but I'm really happy now we're learning to handle each other when we have our down times. Kudos honey! keep depositing the love units :)
By far this is one of the FUN-est relationship I've had, yea we're not rich but we learn how to utilize what little we have to create magic.
1. Do a little love kite together, outta shape but who cares :D
I think it'd be nice seeing your arty love creation soar in the sky.
ps:Babe time to fly that kite!!! hahaha
So make use of free public access!
Botanical Gardens- disclaimer: if u don't like the long walks/not a nature lover opt out from this.
-or Get a sexy tan together at sentosa. Check the weather report first..
let your creativity run lose! :D
3. We look at ourselves in the mirror, do a little weight check, see how couple-like we looked, the rest of the time we just have fun posing. Ha ha
Hilarious times you wont forget.
4. Dress to compliment each other
of cos you don't wanna dress too alike, you'd end up looking funny.
What i do is i set a color to wear for the day.
Designs, accessorize wear anyway you like it, but we have a basic color to match.
haha, actually in this picture we didn't plan for it..
That when this idea pop-ed in.
Whichever way you spend with your lovely loves, just enjoy and grow together.
Find out ways to fall in love deeper, do things you like together. Different couples have different way of having fun, and these are just someways we spice up that fun.
Enjoy every bit you have together, and remember quarrels fights they all are part n parcel of a relationship--yes it'd be really nice if quarrels don't exist, but if we do have then learn to deal with it.
We have fun together as a couple,we fight together as a couple.(not the fight fight,you know wad i mean)
Kissing off
Wishing all lovely couples; stay lovely,
Melissa :D
i love you darling!