Why Not!!? :DD
Meet her at Tangs spent $70 on two belts from Dolce Donna
looks like an artistic painting of Ps Phil Pringle smack on a belt.
Loving the classy feel of it.
Made from real leather of a young calf *yikes*
Headed over to Carousel @Royal Plaza to fill our hungry tummies
there were loadsa choices of food, from salads to pastries, to popiah, and yummy more! Spoiled for choices PLUS it's reasonable!
Thought these were interesting:
yes you're not seeing things..
Its your friendly ROJAK you can get at hawker centers, BUT i whipped this up by myself!! and so its qualified to be in my "special" List.
A tad too spicy..
Like how they let you do things by your own, i had so much fun while eating.
This(ice-kachang) my dear friends, is yet one of my play creation i did. Ha-ha!
Just so interesting, you mix it all up to suit your liking. They make you independent creative diners.
And the fondue!!! ahh~ Just so smooth
All this eating and indulging makes me and Mumsie happy ladies~
One whole week of commitment, and i've gain a nice day, some financial breakthrough!
God i just need one last request--a career breakthrough :)
Kissing off,